Gran Gran and Mother

Hard to sleep when your gran is in hospital.

She had a heart attack.

92 with leukemia and the stomach flu for the past 2 weeks.

Still living by her self. Strong dependent woman, a fighter.

Not looking good this time.

I visited her a couple days ago, cleaned her house, had tea with her.

To be honest I’ve never known anyone who died. Her husband died when I was 2 and I don’t remember him.

Other then that.. I’ve been quite fortunate.

I don’t know what to do about this new fear of loss.

My mother isn’t looking to good either.

52 with heart failure, renal failure, arthritis, fibromyalgia, angina — she’s on more meds then my gran!

But she at least has age on her side.

Anyone know how to deal with loss? Or thought of loss?

About 2 years ago: Gran Gran is the one in the chair, mother is in pink above.

(We’re a short family huh!?)Image